À propos
Breathing emergencies, including choking are one of the leading causes of injury-related deaths in Canada for children. Breathing emergencies are preventable and Little Lungs First Aid has a vision of No Child Lost to a preventable medical emergency! Join us for an in-depth but straight forward CPR & Choking workshop to prevent, prepare for, and react effectively to a breathing emergency. There is a reason everyone who works in childcare is required to take First Aid & CPR training so why do so many homes not have a trained First Aider? Every parent, grandparent, older sibling, babysitter, nanny, EVERYONE who spends any time around a child should know these life-saving skills! We're here to empower you with training to help you feel confident to keep your little one safe and up to date on life-saving First Aid & CPR skills if and when you need them. In only 1-hour, certified Red Cross First Aid instructors will teach you easy to follow, hands on, practical, and necessary knowledge to keep children and infants safe.
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